We handle any and all volume requirements from our customers. We have equipment and capacity to process millions of pounds of plastic and metal through our injection molding and foundry operations. Yet we are nimble enough to be able to accommodate low volume orders including individual prototyping requests.
Materials and Capacity
Injection Molding Facility – processes all types of injection molded plastic, specializing in PVC, ABS, Styrenes, Poly propylene and ethylenes. Our machines process up to 51 oz of plastic per cycle. Our facility operates flexibly up to 24/7 staffing during high demand periods.
Foundry Facility – operates a green sand, non-ferrous (e.g., brass, aluminum, nickel) horizontally parted squeezer machine and loose molded foundry. Our melting capacities range from a single number 70 crucible, oil fired heat to a continuous electric induction powered water cooled, two banked melting furnace system. Our poured molds can range in weight from ounces to in excess of 70 pounds each. All of our melt stock/ingot is fully certified USA products chemically and mechanically correct with no radioactive elements, completely safe.
Speed – Turn-Around Times
DCT specializes in short-notice turn-around. Our turn-around can be as fast same day shipment. If your company requires JIT (just-in-time) supply of injection molding, foundry or any other service we offer, DCT fits the bill.